Have you ever had a though that you are not completely happy where you are in your life right now? Well currently I am having a moment at this time and I need to get a grip before it gets out of control.
I had this feeling a little over 3 years ago when I was going through some things with my previous job, not being happy at home and just wanting better for my life. But in all of that going on, I didn't do anything to change the situation. In a snap, I lost my job, was just depressed and didn't know what to do. With prayer and some close sorors, I was able to get a temp job to keep the bills paid and within 3 months, I had a new job in a new city.
While I am not going to relocate to another area (tell my mom, she would love for me to settle back in Richmond), I just feel like I am in a rut in my current position and not sure where to go. I have a history of starting something and not completely carrying them out to the end.
So while I am typing this, I plan to commit a few things to myself. 1) Daily prayer and be specific with God. I need to stop playing. 2) Get a serious plan of action for the things I would like to do and again prayer. 3) Work on my finances because in a couple of years, I would like to purchase a home and join the ranks of homeowners. 3) Stop mopping around the house and get out. The cold shouldn't be an excuse...even though I don't feel like I can be cute during with the extra windy days...lol!
Okay this was suppose to be quick but I had to get some things out...LOVE YA!!
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